Sunday, July 13, 2014

Don't rain on my parade; just the gardens.

Yes, it's turning out to be one of those summers. One of those summers where we receive almost no rain, which is then accompanied by fierce winds to dry out the earth even more.
Now we come to the real point of this post: watering gardens.
I have done many kinds of watering. Early morning watering; greenhouse watering; lugging two-hundred-feet-of-hose-around watering; late afternoon watering; cloudy-day watering; pump-connected-to-a-pond watering; big water-wagon watering; medium water-wagon watering; small water-wagon watering; and, the main event, watering in the evening until it's pretty much dark. I would like to say at this point that watering is probably one of the most disliked garden tasks for most farmers (though I have never consulted others on this; but it is certainly how I feel).
Watering at night can simply be turning on the hose of pump, or it can be a rather a more strenuous task such as filling up a water-wagon (a water wagon is simply a wagon attached to some form of transportation, which is then loaded with plastic garbage cans, buckets, watering cans, and anything else that can hold water; filled and then driven to where you would like to water).

Thoughts on/while watering:
~DO water with a friend, or a group of friends! You can talk about your food, and sing all the songs you can remember from Guys & Dolls and The Music Man, and, if you vocal chords are feeling up to it, "Maybe This Time" or "Don't Rain On My Parade".  (Though there is a little irony on "Don't Rain On My Parade"; since you'd be thrilled if it rained.)

~DO dress for occasion ("What was I thinking! bare arms, neck and head!") . Yes, I mean it: you just may be eaten alive by a ferocious pack of bloodthirsty mosquitos. If this unfortunate event does occur, you may be left with these feelings: "I Came Out to Have a Good Time and Honestly I'm feeling so Attacked Right Now".

~If you are filling up water receptacles with pond water, it may be best to keep you mouth mostly closed. Pond water in the mouth can be rather disgusting, especially when you remember how much the ducks love this particular pond and you're left wondering if you'll possibly get some sort of funky duck that's just me?

So, to conclude, I really do hope we get some rain soon; if not for me to have my evenings back, at least for the sake of the plants.

Happy Watering!

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