Tuesday, July 16, 2013

CSA Week 6

We've been having some pretty warm weather lately!
The gardens are in desperate need of weeding, even though we spend hours in them weeding every day! We are thinking of having a weeding party next week; a select group of people come over and weed and then we feed them a lot of good food. I'd cook, of course, because I'm rather slow at weeding and I only weed with one hand (I just can't do the double-fisted thing).
We are baling round bales today.

The cherries, currents, and a few cherry tomatoes are ripening. We still have a few strawberries; we had a pretty good year with those! It's scape season again! The sugar snap and snow peas are producing very well; I picked at least 25 pounds of snow peas last week. The green beans are coming on, which is very exciting!
The sour cherries will need to be picked soon; that means cherry pie!
Vegetable List (subject to change):
Swiss Chard
Snow Peas
Sugar Snap Peas
Lettuce heads
Lettuce mix
Green Beans
Green Onions
Spring Turnips
Garlic Scapes

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

CSA Week 4

2014 is less than 6 months away...I'll just let that sink in.

That past week on the farm has been mostly rain and some clouds, the occasional really hot day, and whenever you are working in the gardens you are surrounded by a haze of insects.  
Essentially, garden work is impossible. It's too wet to hoe, it's a bit too wet to weed, and and taking the tractors into the garden is not even a plausible idea. 

Berry is doing very well, and she's very friendly now!

CSA List (subject to change);
Swiss Chard
Garlic Scapes
Sugar Snap Peas
Lettuce Mix
Spring Turnips
Chinese Cabbage
Green onions

Facts about Purslane:

~It has more omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy green vegetable (three times the amount that kale has!)
~It is an excellent source or Vitamin A, which is an antioxidant and essential for vision.
~Purslane is a rich source of Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. Vitamin C is also needed for the growth and repair of body tissue.
~It contains some B-complex vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pyridoxine.
~Purslane contains two types of betalain alkaloid pigments, the reddish beta-cyanins and the yellow beta-xanthins. Both of these pigments are powerful antioxidants.