Friday, July 1, 2011

Rain, rain, come this way...

Well, as my title has hinted at, we could use some rain for the gardens! First it is too much rain, then not enough; someday, we will reach the happy medium.
The gardens are starting to really come together nicely; the eggplants, leeks, peppers, and carrots have all been planted!  And the bean-pole tipis have gone up, next to go up is the tomato trellis.
And we have also been enjoying all the fresh produce from our garden: lots of salads; and I have completely fallen in love with kale smoothies, I experiment with a new variation every day!
Not much has changed with animals, except for the fact that I have a new kitten! She doesn't have a name yet, so feel free to help me chose a name!
I was thinking along the lines of...
any more ideas?

 Happy Canada Day!

1 comment:

  1. How about Macavity- I always wanted a cat called Macavity. It's a cat from a poem
    She/He ? is very cute!
